Welcome to the Public Pathology – Community First, Always Campaign.

Public Pathology Australia is excited to launch our first national campaign designed to raise awareness of the value and contribution that public pathology makes to healthcare and to the everyday lives of Australians across our diverse community.

Public pathology has played a leading role in Australia’s COVID-19 response since we first heard of the virus in December 2019.

The public pathology sector is the government owned and operated pathology sector. We are located in most public hospitals across Australia. See who your local public pathology service is here.

The impact of COVID-19 has been rapid, far-reaching, unpredictable and devastating. It has profoundly affected all of us – personally, professionally, physically and psychologically. Never before have we been so isolated yet connected; united by fear of a virus yet resolved to saving lives. Our response individually and collectively has been visceral.

Across Australia, the swift and effective efforts of public pathology laboratories and our staff have been central to the national pandemic response and to helping keep our community safe.

With pathology and our health system central to Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have prepared a campaign to further highlight the often-hidden value of public pathology. It focuses on the role of public pathology during the pandemic and its everyday contribution to improving health outcomes and providing choice, affordability and accessibility to pathology services for consumers.

Central to the campaign will be two videos – ‘Where would we be without public pathology during COVID-19′, and ‘Being there’ demonstrating how public pathology is there for every Australian for their whole life.

You may wish to:
• Share Public Pathology Australia’s video across your social media platforms
• Follow and share Public Pathology Australia’s social media posts and adopt the campaign frame
• Display the posters
• Include a message on your email signature
• Adopt the desktop wallpaper
• Reach out to others to encourage them to share the resources.

Click here to view the Public Pathology – Community First, Always toolkit.

We hope you find these tools useful. For the Public Pathology – Community First, Always media release, click here.

Public Pathology Australia’s CEO Jenny Sikorski is available on 0466 576 221, ceo@publicpathology.org.au should you have any queries about the campaign.

We look forward to your support.



Dr Petra Derrington                                                                            Ms Jenny Sikorski
President                                                                                               CEO