Public Pathology Australia’s members are the major government owned and operated pathology services in each State and Territory in Australia.
Public Pathology Australia’s members are pathology services, not individuals. This enables Public Pathology Australia to draw on the expertise and knowledge of the pathologists, medical scientists and technicians, business and financial managers, information technology and information management specialists and other occupational groups that make up the public pathology workforce.
Membership of Public Pathology Australia offers:
- Access to a network of colleagues working in public pathology across Australia;
- Opportunities to contribute to and help shape health policy development;
- Regular updates on latest news and developments;
- Forums, workshops and discussion groups on current and emerging issues and ways forward;
- Support and representation for member services; and
- Opportunities to represent public pathology in various government, professional and community arenas.
For more information about becoming part of the authoritative voice of Australian public pathology, contact us or call (07) 3102 4094.
Our Members
Australian Capital Territory
ACT Pathology, Canberra Health Services
New South Wales
NSW Health Pathology
Northern Territory |
Territory Pathology
Pathology Queensland
South Australia
SA Pathology
Royal Hobart Hospital Pathology
Northern Tasmanian Pathology Service
Austin Health Pathology
Alfred Pathology Service
Eastern Health Pathology
Melbourne Health Pathology
Monash Health Pathology
Northern Pathology Victoria
Peter Mac Pathology
The Royal Children’s Hospital &
Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Western Australia
PathWest Laboratory Medicine